CAA registration 'consultation'

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Spike S
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CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by Spike S »

Apologies if this is the wrong place, Moderators please move if appropriate. All should be aware of this recent development and respond accordingly:
The BMFA are requesting that all UK modellers take part in the consultation. Please read the proposals and follow the link: ... ge-Act-Now

Before entering the simple online response form (all on one page), you will find a link to the Consultation Document itself. This is a tedious volume but the Executive Summary found on early pages gives all you need for a quick view.
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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by Martin »

The usual, poorly-thought-through "consultation." In my opinion, it's not really a consultation at all - the authorities have already made up their minds and this is beginning of a softening-up exercise, getting us used to the idea of being taxed for an activity (model flying) that was formerly untaxed.

The proposal is that you will pay £16.50 per year (to begin with - like most taxes it will increase once you've become used to it) and for what exactly? No tangible benefits, but you will have the fun of filling in some extra forms every year. The same scheme in France lasts for five years at a time and is free.

I filled in the consultation, even though that now means they have my name and email address on their database. One of the questions demands a Yes/No answer, even though my honest answer was, "I don't really know."
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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by Shaun »

The problem is if modellers don't fill it in (it only takes a few of mins) they will assume we accept it.

The idea of this registration initially was to cover none- modelling flyers of multirotors to give them a basic understanding of what is legally required and make them accountable ....not for BMFA, LMA, SAA, FPVUK insured and hopefully well versed in the current regulations modellers.

It will solve nothing because all the idiots that cause the problems will not register as they don't care so this proposal will achieve zilch.

Also the estimated numbers are miles out BMFA 35,000, LMA 1000 (most are BMFA members as well), FPVUK 4000, SAA 3000, Commercial registrations 4000 but only around 1500 are currently active - the rest have not renewed their CAA permission for commercial operations.

So including, police, fire , universities etc it's hard to see how we would top 50,000 ...... miles from the estimated 170,000 the CAA have forecast. They are way off the mark and need to seriously look at their data sources..... wet finger in the air and basing it on modellers per population as in America just hasn't worked.....unless I've got it very wrong....

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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by Carl »

Shaun wrote: 27 Apr 2019, 17:35 It will solve nothing because all the idiots that cause the problems will not register as they don't care so this proposal will achieve zilch.
That was my immediate thought. And how will it be policed? The threat of speeding fines doesn't stop people speeding on my road. It's meant to be 30mph. I constantly hear about the high percentage of crimes that go uninvestigated and a police force that is overstretched. So a threat of a fine for not registering and taking the test to these Shaun mentioned is really going to put the frighteners on them :lol: How will they be caught? Can't imaging a police officer approaching me where I fly and asking to see my registration :lol:

I've had a look at the online form and will try to fill it in, but feel it has been designed so that it's difficult to answer.

Surely those of us who are responsible and as a result are paid up members of BMFA, for example, should be exempt. Doesn't seem right we, the responsible ones, will end up paying twice.


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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by NeilMac »

I have filled out the biased and one sided form as I wish to stand up and be counted.

I have told them that I believe this to be a politically motivated scheme; politicians just LOVE to point at a scheme like this and say 'see what we have done, you will never suffer delayed flights ever again' and the mugs accept it, or more likely don't notice and moreover don't care, and the politicians move on and we are left lumbered.

I agree with Shaun's comments about the idiots, these are probably the same people who drive their cars uninsured and without MOT or VED.

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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by ozrs »

same crap is happening here in Aus.

I must quote Henry Thoreau (circa 1850) Äny fool can make a rule and every fool will mind it".
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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by Spike S »

Time is very short and I am moved to write to my MP about this crass and simplistic document. If 'user pays' is such a fundamental Government policy, why is it that persistent drunks and takers of unprescribed drugs who lack any self-discipline are allowed repeatedly to inflict painful costs onto the NHS ?

This would not touch outlaw Drone operators because they will ignore all the rules until actually prosecuted. This recent transmission fails to acknowledge our National body (BMFA) while our hobby is one long recognised by the Sports Council of GB. CAA already delegates extensive operational authority to the BGA for gliders and the LAA (formerly the PFA) for homebuilts and other civilian light aircraft. BMFA should be similarly delegated for the management of conventional visual, hands-on (no autonomous flight control) model flying. If CAA wishes to maintain a registration scheme for Drones (SUMA with any level of autonomous flight control), then those costs should fall specifically on that community and the suppliers of that equipment.
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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by Martin »

Here's Bruce Simpson's take on it. You may not agree with everything he says, but in my opinion he does make some interesting and valid points.

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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by RON »

Just a couple of questions
Why are they calling It UK drone registration when it’s clearly for all aircraft types.
I don’t own a drone and don’t want to be associated with one so why do I have to register? Don’t those in higher places know the difference?
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Re: CAA registration 'consultation'

Post by NeilMac »

I made that very point, and suggested they knew full well the difference between drones and model aircraft the same as they know the difference between and full sized fixed wing aircraft and helicopters.
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